- What do you do?
See our upcoming events page for more information on what we are doing this term.
- How do I join?
Please see this page here on information on how to join the Society.
- How much is it?
Membership prices can be found here! You can also purchase membership from there. Handy, eh?
- I don’t study at Edinburgh University, can I still join?
Yes, we accept all students from Napier, Heriot Watt and Queen Margaret.
- I’m not a student, can I still join?
Yes you can, though you will have to pay more. #studentperks
- What do I get when I join?
A family of lovely, passionate, nerdy individuals to spend your Wednesday evenings with! After you have been sorted you get a house keyring.
- When is the sorting?
The sorting is in Freshers Week, usually mid September. We only hold one Sorting Ceremony a year.
- I missed the sorting ceremony, how do I get sorted?
If you miss the ceremony and have paid your membership we send you out a sorting quiz via email. Simply fill it in and our heads of house will sort you. If you wish to join us from Semester 2, we have a Welcome Back Feast during which you get to fill in the sorting quiz and find out your house straight away! (Well, some time will be required, the heads of houses have yet to acquire Time Turners.)
- Can't you just host another sorting?
Unfortunately no, to prevent our committee from committing murder.
- What if I get sorted into a house I really don’t want to be in?
Don’t worry, our decision is not final! Send your head of house a message and we’ll re-sort you into a house that you feel more comfortable in. Find our who your head of house is from here.
- How can I get a hoodie?
We take orders for hoodies during both semesters, keep an eye out on our Facebook for the precise time. Please ask one of our committee members at an event for more details.
- Where and when do you meet?
Normally we meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in Teviot’s Dining Room. Check the upcoming events list though, sometimes we have pub quizzes and other events held elsewhere.
- How do I win house points?
You can win house points through pub quizzes, house related events, soc card points and for helping out with our charity or society events.
- Is it just exclusively Harry Potter?
Not at all! We love to nerd out over a lot of fandoms in the society, everything from Discworld to Doctor Who, Star Wars to Star Trek, Welcome To Nightvale to The Adventure Zone - you name it!
- I’m a massive introvert and am terrified of going along to an event and not knowing anyone. What should I do?
Believe it or not most of us were in the exact same position when we first joined - the thing is to just dive in and talk to people, there will always be someone and having Harry Potter as a conversation starter is the perfect excuse. We are all nerds here and we look after our own. If you are particularly nervous, do come and chat to one of our committee, we don’t bite and we can hopefully make you feel more at ease and comfortable. We're around on social media as well - drop us an ask on Tumblr, post on our Facebook, tweet us on Twitter or head over to our Instagram!